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Facts We Need To See

There are 2 billion 200 million people with eye disease in the world today and 94 million of those people suffer from cataract which can be easily treated in our country. Cataract disease is observed mostly in middle-aged people and it is especially seen in geographies with harsh climate and living conditions.

What Are We Doing?

Within the scope of our cataract works that we run with the slogan of "Goodness, Health", we have performed more than 30 thousand of eye surgeries and more than 224 thousand of examinations since 2006. We have worked in 17 countries as Niger, Kenya, Pakistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Mauritania, Tanzania, Congo DC, Sudan, Chechnya, Uganda, Cameroon, Mali and Bangladesh. We helped cataract patients, who could not be treated due to impossibilities in challenging geographies, to see their loved ones.

How Can You Make Cataract Donation?

By making donation, you can help people who are in danger of losing their eyesight even though it is possible to reach the light with just one surgery.

You can make your donation online or using your bank information at the yyd.org.tr/bank web address. Please add your name, surname, phone number and "cataract" information in the explanation section during donation with the bank.

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Every minute counts. Your support now; it will change the life of a mother, a child or a person. Join the movement of goodness.

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