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Due to the crisis in the Central African Republic, more than 110,000 people have fled the violence and started living in camps established in the southeast of Chad. About 80% of the refugees in the camps are from the Central African Republic, while the remaining 20% are refugees who had to leave their homes due to crises in Libya, Sudan, Niger, and other neighboring countries. The population in refugee camps in the region has exceeded 623,000.

The inadequacy of Chad's healthcare system has led to a lack of drugs, equipment, systems, and qualified healthcare personnel in most existing health centers. This situation results in simple diseases that could be treated with examination and care leading to deaths.

According to official data, in Chad where access to health services is lacking:

There is not even 1 doctor per 10,000 people nationwide.
117 out of every 1,000 infants die during childbirth.
Deaths in children under 5 suffering from severe malnutrition are increasing every day.
According to the World Health Organization's 2022 data, more than 1.8 million children in the region are in need of nutritional treatment.
Chad ranks among the countries with the highest under-5 child mortality rates.


As Doctors Worldwide, following the crisis that began in 2013, we established the Doyaba Health Center in 2014 in the region, providing voluntary healthcare services to approximately 30,000 refugees coming from the Darfur region. In 2016, with the relocation of refugees from this area to the Sido refugee camp, we moved our health center to Chad Sido to enable regular access to healthcare for those in need in the region and opened the Chad Sido Refugee Health Center.

In our center, we provide medical examinations, treatment, laboratory, and vaccination services for refugees, and we have set up mobile teams for those in need who cannot access healthcare. However, the inadequacy of the healthcare system necessitated the expansion of the coverage of primary healthcare services in the region, providing services in different specialties.

In this context, we continued to be a source of hope for those in need by providing nutritional treatment for children under 5 suffering from acute malnutrition, ultrasonography, childbirth, and laboratory services for pregnant women. By supporting our services with psychosocial support, medication and equipment support, and cataract surgeries, we have reached more than 303,000 beneficiaries with your support.


With your donations, you can support our primary healthcare services, nutrition health services, pregnancy control, and childbirth services in the Chad region, and make a difference in the life of someone miles away.

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