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Following the major earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023, affecting 11 provinces, we reached out to earthquake victims in Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Adıyaman, and Malatya provinces. We provided voluntary health services in primary healthcare, surgical operations, and psychosocial support branches in the earthquake zone. Simultaneously, we tried to heal wounds by delivering medicines, medical supplies, and basic necessities to the region. As part of earthquake activities, with more than 700 volunteers from all over Turkey, we reached more than 300,000 earthquake victims. We continue our activities in earthquake areas until the need ceases.

You can access the detailed report of our activities in the earthquake zone between February and June from our page yyd.org.tr/deprem-raporu.


Within the scope of continuous examination and treatment services since the first day of the earthquake, we reached 57,632 earthquake victims. Child-friendly area activities, individual and group sessions served 20,163 people, while 1,807 people received psychoeducation services. Hygiene kits and food aid were provided to 4,201 needy people in the earthquake zone, reaching over 87,000 earthquake victims only in Kahramanmaraş.


Yeryüzü Doktorları provided primary healthcare services to 47,795 people and performed 33 surgeries since the first day of the earthquake in the region. Within the scope of psychosocial support activities, 20,520 beneficiaries were reached, and child-friendly area activities reached 14,198 children. Food aid packages, emergency aid, and hygiene kits were provided to over 2,000 earthquake victims in the region. Through these efforts, we have reached over 70,000 earthquake victims to date.


Through a health station established with two containers in Adıyaman, primary healthcare services, medication support, and psychosocial support services have been provided to over 90,000 earthquake victims. Over 50,000 earthquake victims received examination and treatment services under primary healthcare, and emergency aid packages were delivered to 4,892 people. Individual and group sessions, children's activities, and film screenings were organized, providing psychosocial support to 24,827 earthquake victims. Within the scope of psychoeducation, training on health, privacy, and gender-related topics was provided to 1,352 earthquake victims.


Yeryüzü Doktorları conducted group sessions with 8,523 earthquake victims and individual sessions with 1,137 earthquake victims since the first day of the earthquake. Various trainings were provided to 24,427 people within the scope of psychoeducation, and 43,419 children were reached through child-friendly area activities. Mobile healthcare services, food aid, and distribution of hygiene kits and medication support were provided in Malatya. Over 113,00 earthquake victims have received psychosocial support within the scope of earthquake activities in Malatya.

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