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Yeryüzü Doktorları has reached hundreds of thousands of people in more 50 countries so far. It has achieved all this services thanks to his devoted supporters.

Yeryüzü Doktorları is a very large family with its members, employees, donors and volunteers. For Yeryüzü Doktorları, volunteering, which is an indispensable part of goodness, is running to those in need and not thinking even for a second. It is willingly sharing competencies, experiences and time for goodness.

In our struggle for goodness and health, you can touch someone's life in various ways you never thought and support them to hold on to life.


Yeryüzü Doktorları is a non-governmental organization that is carrying out humanitarian aid activities on health. In the works we have carried out in many geographies around the glove, within the framework of the coordination of our professional employees, we are obtaining the support of our volunteers in various health profession groups. You can become a healthcare volunteer in order to participate in health activities.


You can support our domestic and international projects by directly participating to project and application stages.


  • You can fill in our volunteer form.
  • In line with the needs within our projects, our volunteers in the relevant occupational groups are contacted and their active support is obtained in our field work. At this stage, our mutual agreement with our volunteer commitment is recorded.
  • Volunteers who will take part in our health teams carry out the permit processes themselves which they need to take obtain from the places they work for their studies abroad. Our foundation tries to make it easier in these processes.


Yeryüzü Doktorları conducts its activities largely with the support of their individual donors. It reaches more and more people with each passing year, with the strength it receives from its volunteers and supporters. Today, one of the easiest ways to reach people is social media. In addition to promoting activities, many non-governmental organizations also carry out its fundraising activities through social media. You can organize promotional activities through social media channels so that we can reach more people, you can also collect donations with the events you organize and create resources for the projects Yeryüzü Doktorları carries out for those in need.


  • You can spread our campaigns and projects both in printed material and digitally; you can follow our social media accounts and share our posts with your own followers.
  • You can support the agenda-setting works we carry out from time to time on Twitter.
  • If you are a social media influencer, you can join our social media team or direct relevant people around you.
  • You can share content about Yeryüzü Doktorları on your website, blog or social media accounts.
  • If you are a member of the press, you can ensure that content related to Yeryüzü Doktorları is published. Contact: basin@yyd.org.tr
  • If you are a professional photographer or director, you can support us for photography and video shooting both at home and abroad. Contact: gonullu@yyd.org.tr
  • You can also donate to our projects on behalf of your loved ones on special days such as birthdays, new job starts and anniversaries and you can also encourage people around you to do this. You can also create your own event idea to fund our projects.
  • You can make a presentation about Yeryüzü Doktorları in the social environment you are effective in (workplace, school, etc.) and collect donation.


  • As a promotional media volunteer, you can download the documents related to the project (presentation, introduction video, etc.) from our website, access our shares on our social networks and provide support.
  • At the end of your event, you can share your event photos and story with us by sending them to gonullu@yyd.org.tr. 


Yeryüzü Doktorları is a goodness movement that has overturned its 20 years with the support of thousands of volunteers and tens of thousands of donors and it has carried out projects in more than 50 countries of the world with its national and international partners. As we grow and develop, the world of humanitarian aid has also grown and developed. In this process, we have set many examples for both institutions and individuals. While doing our work on the one hand, we have always carried the intention of spreading this goodness movement to larger masses on the other hand, and we made efforts for this purpose.

We assign important missions to our young volunteers in this sense. We believe that the continuation of this goodness movement from generation to generation will be provided with the support and participation of young volunteers who believe in the principles and values ​​of Yeryüzü Doktorları and see the value of what they have, and who know that it is a responsibility to have goodness in whatever they do.

In this direction, we invite you, our young volunteers, to participate in our work in order to raise awareness among our young volunteers by sharing our awareness about the world, people and goodness.


  • You can join the Young Yeryüzü Doktorları community at your school.
  • You can establish a Young Yeryüzü Doktorları community in your school.
  • You can organize presentations in your school to introduce Yeryüzü Doktorları.
  • You can do training, activities and projects in the fields such as humanitarian aid, personal development, and so on.


  • You can fill out our volunteer form.
  • You can learn the details of the materials you can use in the presentations you will organize at your school by sending an e-mail to bilgi@yyd.org.tr